The applesauce turned out quite tasty. It's so easy to make, I regret not getting a bushel or two of apples last fall. It seems by October and November I am burnt out from all the previous canning.
To make the applesauce, I just peeled and cored the apples I had on hand and put them in a thick bottomed stock pot to simmer with about a half cup of water (just to prevent scorching). I also added the juice from one lemon. Then I just let it simmer for a couple of hours. Since our family loves chunky applesauce, I only mashed about half of the soft apples down to sauce consistency. You can stop there, but sometimes I add apple pie spice or cinnamon candy red hots. This time I added a few packets of Stevia as I prefer not to add sugar and called it good. And it is!
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