My second daughter is getting married! It will be almost exactly a year after her elder sister was married; Lauren and Enghui were married on May 16, 2015 and Shelby and Nate will be married on May 15, 2016. I thought this was very thoughtful of them to keep the dates simple for my failing memory!
I waited 6 months and a surprise Art Show Reception to reveal Laurens quilt,
"I want to give you the world..."
Neither of my daughters are on Face Book, so I have shown my progress through that medium. However, they do follow blogs, so I will also wait until after the wedding presentation to reveal Shelby and Nate's quilt. But I will give a little hint....

I saw a beautiful "Around the World" (funny name coincidence?) quilt on Pinterest. The colors were sooooo Shelby; very autumn themed. But I had put so much thought and hand painted all of the fabric in Lauren's quilt, that I decided to go another route. Then I found this book at my library. All I can say is that I am creating a quilt that is inspired by the ideas I saw in this book. There will be 100 very personalized blocks especially for Shelby and Nate. Stay tuned...